Top 5 Load Shedding Survival Tips for South Africans

Load shedding can be frustrating, but with the right preparation, you can minimize the impact on your daily life. Here are the top 5 survival tips:

1. Invest in Backup Power

A small inverter, UPS, or generator can keep your Wi-Fi and essential appliances running.

2. Get a Gas Stove or Kettle

When the power is out, you can still cook and boil water using gas-powered appliances.

3. Use Rechargeable Lights & Batteries

Stock up on LED lanterns, solar-powered lights, and rechargeable batteries to avoid being left in the dark.

4. Keep Your Fridge & Freezer Closed

To prevent food from spoiling, avoid opening your fridge and freezer unnecessarily.

5. Stay Informed & Plan Ahead

Visit to check your schedule daily. Knowing when the power will be off allows you to plan accordingly.

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